jeudi 26 novembre 2009

News. The Copenhagen climate summit.

The two biggest countries pollued in the world China and United States will attend a major Copenhagen climate summit on the 7th of December 2009 until 18 th.
The chinese government is ready to cooperate with the international community.
China announced plans "to reduce the intensity of Carbon dioxide ommissions per unit", of gross domestic product product in 2020 by 40 percent to 45 percent.
This is the major contribution to the global effort.
On the other hand, U.S. President Barack Obama announced last wednesday, that he would attend the summit.Obama is prepared to reduce emissions to 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.
The executive secretary of the climate change conference said that it was a good new that Chinaand U.S. would cooperate, but called "for rich countries to come up with money to help poor countries" to develop.
The hope that all the countries will agree to a global treaty to fight climate change.

VIDEO Obama to attend climate summit.
VIDEO China's pledge to reduce carbon.

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