My English improved form 2008-2010
Now I’m going to compare my first email and the last composition.
I noticed the improvement, on one hand, when I write it’s more easily for me, of course, I don’t write perfectly,
I learn news verbs, synonyms... and when I write something in English, I don’t think firstly in French and after I translate, now I don’t do this all the time, of course, sometimes I do it, because I don’t speak very well English, but I am happy now, because I understand more when I listen somebody speaking English! This year do the blog I learn so much, because you have to find new words, new verbs...
My pronunciation... aaaaaaah! I think never will change, I have a French accent! But I hope this summer in USA they will understand me...!
In my opinion my best oral presentation is the last one, because I improve a little bit my pronunciation I have more trust in me. If I compare my last presentation with the first one, the change is obvious!
The only problem for me is when I talk I am nervous, because my English is not fluent enough. But I think with the time, it can change.
I enjoyed very much this year English and I thank a lot my teacher for that. We spent four days in London all together and this will remain a fantastic event.
vendredi 14 mai 2010
Listening news

In the Lybian crash plane, 103 people died except Ruben, nine years old, is the sole survivor .
Now doctors say that after several factures he is not in danger.
But his parents and his brother were travelling with him, and they died in the accident.
Ruben had a serious shock but he begins to speak, he says “I want to eat, I want to drink”.
The crash was so violent that only the plane’s tail was intact. The aircraft was one year old, the plane’s voice and flying data recorders have been found and may give some clues of the crash, probably it seems due to a human error.
Most of the passengers were Dutch, at least two of the passengers were coming from Britain, one was a woman of 52 years old, coming from Swansee, she was on her way home in South Africa after visiting relatives.
The uncle and aunt of Ruben are arrived in Tripoli to visit him, but when he will return to Holland he will be without his parents. This survival is a miracle. But it remains very sad for him.
mardi 11 mai 2010

I met Laetitia 13 years ago, We went at the same school in France. And after 13 years we are still friends!
She is an amazing person, when we were little girls, we done something stupid in school or in her or my home!
I remember in school we were talking dance courses, and during the week-end we were ridding together!
Our dream was to do a horse breeding, but, of course, now, we changed our mind!
During the summer's holiday, usually, she came with my parents and I, in Empuriabrava (because before the home wher I live now was our holiday's home), so, we camee here and we went with a boat and it was so funny! At that time, I think, I have more or less, 10-12 years old.
After to stay 2 or 3 weeks in Spain together, we left in France, and I went with her in her home in the country side, we were talking bath in the small river nearly to her house! And, sometimes after the bath we went ridding her horses. It was like a dream.
In 2006, when I came to live in Spain, I missed her a lot! But, fortunately I saw her from time to time and I went some holidays there. And she came here in Spain to see me too.
Now, our friendship changed it's better, both we have cars, and we see z lot more, moreover, when I go to France we go out together, we are talking for hours, we are ridding too, and, of course, we love eachother a lot! It's my best friend, and I hope this friendship will last forever.
She is an amazing person, when we were little girls, we done something stupid in school or in her or my home!
I remember in school we were talking dance courses, and during the week-end we were ridding together!
Our dream was to do a horse breeding, but, of course, now, we changed our mind!
During the summer's holiday, usually, she came with my parents and I, in Empuriabrava (because before the home wher I live now was our holiday's home), so, we camee here and we went with a boat and it was so funny! At that time, I think, I have more or less, 10-12 years old.
After to stay 2 or 3 weeks in Spain together, we left in France, and I went with her in her home in the country side, we were talking bath in the small river nearly to her house! And, sometimes after the bath we went ridding her horses. It was like a dream.
In 2006, when I came to live in Spain, I missed her a lot! But, fortunately I saw her from time to time and I went some holidays there. And she came here in Spain to see me too.
Now, our friendship changed it's better, both we have cars, and we see z lot more, moreover, when I go to France we go out together, we are talking for hours, we are ridding too, and, of course, we love eachother a lot! It's my best friend, and I hope this friendship will last forever.
USA immigration problem.

While on the one hand, the country has seen its rich culture and civilization being shaped out by talented, ambitious, and hard-working people from around the world, but on the other hand, illegal and disruptive elements have endangered the national security.
Illegal immigration is an alarming problem now, because people cross borders in violation of US immigration and at the national law.
The other problem is that lots of these immigrants are invoved in drug's traffic, and time after time there are more drugs in this country.
Before immigrants held false papers, for this reason, the USA gourvenment decided that everybody must have an electronic passport to reduce the number of false passports.
I think the problem is not only in USA but too in Europe.
In my opinion I agree with the gourvenment to do this reformation, maybe with this reformation the immigration will can reduce.
But, I don't think that this reformation will sregulate the immigration.
I am not against immigration if immigrants don't do anything against habitants of the concernate country.
If immigrants work, do their obligations of the country and don't do something agaisnt the law, they are the right to stay in USA, it's my opinion of course.
the illegal immigration can also advantage the dishonest people who take money from the illegal immigrants, making them to believe that they will stay in the country and that they will find work easily. Of course, it is a lie. That is why, we have to fight against it.
lundi 10 mai 2010
France or Spain.

Now, I am going to compare France ( my country) and Spain ( wher I live now).
Everybody has its own way of thinking, but, on my point of view I prefer France, because there I have got my childhood's friends, my best friends.
However, I have my horse there, and all my family, because I live alone with my mother in Spain, because my dad works in France.
And, OH , Paris it's so beautiful, and there are so many shops, isn't it? But, of course, when you work in Paris it's different, you don't go to buy clothes all the day!! And to live and to work in Paris it's very complicated, because normally you don't live near your job and if you go with a car you have to leave your home very early because of millions of cars driving in the city.
Spain is a very nice country for many reasons, firstly the climate, Spain and its sun! Secondly, I could notice in Spain the great relationship the pupils have with their teachers, in France it's very different, when you speak with your teacher is like if you are talking with a republic's president!!!!
And, of course, what the best thing can we do in Spain? TO GO OUT AT THE NIGHT!
I think is the best in this aspect! In france, and certainly in more country, the sinonyms of Spain is F I E S T A!
I don't know if I'm going to stay in Spain for the rest in my life. Maybe I won't stay in Spain neither in France, perhaps I will realize my dream: to live in the middle of Montana(USA) in the ranch with horses, children, husband and I, maybe, I will be a COWGIRL!
48% of parents are friend of their kids on Facebook.

A survey found that nearly half of parents add their children as friends in Facebook.
Andrew Eisner, the manager of the survey thinks that the parents want to learn a lot about their teenagers by this way.
On the other hand, I think that the private life of teenagers must be kept away from private life of parents. There are a several subjects that the parents don't have to know, even if they want to control their children.
As well as, the children don't have to know the private life of their parents.
Event if the parents and the children have a good relationship but they aren't really "friends".
For example, I don't think it's a good thing that some parents go out at night with their children.
Fortunately, my mother doesn't have facebook, and she doesn't keep an eye on my "private life", even if in facebook I don't have many things about my private life,not intimates pictures... because I don't like that the people can see my intimates pictures, they know who is my new boyfriend or where I go or where I live....
dimanche 9 mai 2010
Exam writing.
Amy: Hello Sharon! How are you today?
Sharon: Hey, Amy! I'm better, thank you and you?
Amy: Fine too. Finally do you decide to go at mind-body therapy for your illness?
Sharon: Amy...please! I know that it can not work.
Amy: Sharon, don't say that! If you don't try, you can't say that!
Sharon: are right, but I'm afraid that the mind-body therapy doesn't work, and for this reason I don't want to go here.
Amy: Please honey, if you don't want to do it, do it for me! You are my best friend, and I want you feel better! You don't want to come back, as same as the last year, to go on holidays together, to go out at the night, to dance, to sing, to meet news friends..
You really don't want that? plesae don't say me, "yes, I do" because I know that you don't want that!
Sharon: Amy... yes, I want to do again the same experiences and news experiences with you!
I'm going to try this mind-body therapy fo you, for me and for our friendship.
Thank you very much for everything that you do for me.
Amy: Your are the best Sharon. You know that I'm going to be with you in every circumstances! Love you.
Sharon: Hey, Amy! I'm better, thank you and you?
Amy: Fine too. Finally do you decide to go at mind-body therapy for your illness?
Sharon: Amy...please! I know that it can not work.
Amy: Sharon, don't say that! If you don't try, you can't say that!
Sharon: are right, but I'm afraid that the mind-body therapy doesn't work, and for this reason I don't want to go here.
Amy: Please honey, if you don't want to do it, do it for me! You are my best friend, and I want you feel better! You don't want to come back, as same as the last year, to go on holidays together, to go out at the night, to dance, to sing, to meet news friends..
You really don't want that? plesae don't say me, "yes, I do" because I know that you don't want that!
Sharon: Amy... yes, I want to do again the same experiences and news experiences with you!
I'm going to try this mind-body therapy fo you, for me and for our friendship.
Thank you very much for everything that you do for me.
Amy: Your are the best Sharon. You know that I'm going to be with you in every circumstances! Love you.
samedi 8 mai 2010
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