The festival of the crepe in France. Every year the same period, in February, we French are celebrating the festival of the crepe.
This festival takes place on the 2nd of february and when we do the first crepe, it must be a piece of money in one hand and fry the crepe on the other hand! Tradition says that it provides prosperity year-round.
We make crepes for all the family and we eat in front a fireplace, we drink tea with it.
To enjoy this famous crepe, we normally put sugar, but we can put a lot of different stuff: jam, maple syrup, nutella, whipped cream, or ice-cream. It all depends on taste.
These crepes which I speak are sweet!
But they are also savory crepes. Especially in Brittany (northern France). crepes are eaten as a main dish with egg, cheese, ham...
I hope that after reading it, you'll want to taste them!